Discover Our Services

At Baker Wellness Centre, we offer a range of services to address your unique needs and help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Our services are designed to promote physical, emotional, and mental wellness.

Jordann Kian

Ayurvedic Health and Counselling


Jordann is the founder of East + West Integrative Wellness.  As Ayurvedic Health Counsellor, her pleasure is to genuinely support clients with a service that is customized to meet their unique needs. She encourages clients to become their own healers by providing them with easy to implement tools which inspire self-inquiry, awareness building, and mind/body healing. “We all need ways to cultivate strength, resiliency, and compassion.” 

Ayurveda is a holistic science that looks at the root of illness and disease. With this unique approach, she can address a wide range of issues in the body and mind.  Through the art and science of living that is Ayurveda she supports all walks of life (individuals, couples, and families). She assists in transforming relationships with food, developing a sustainable self-care routine, and adopting personal yoga practices that will strengthen one’s capacity to digest all things life. 

Jordann has wide and diverse experience: as a Social Worker, as an acute medical and oncology social worker for the Health Authority, as a clinician in a medical doctors office, and she worked extensively in the mental health sector as a youth crisis response clinician. 

She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and continues to receive formal training and mentorship in body-focused psychotherapy with Somatic Experiencing International. During her Masters she did an apprenticeship in family therapy while exploring the use of yoga-based interventions in a clinical social work practice. Jordann also teaches trauma-informed yoga for clients and her community at Nelson School of Yoga, and provides educational workshops to the public as an Ayurvedic Health Counsellor. “With these experiences, I’ve created a unique service that is holistic in nature.”


In Person:

Initial Consultation – 120 minutes: $255

Follow up – 60 minutes: $145

Daily Routine Guidance (Dinacharya) – 135 minutes: $250

Conscious Eating and Cooking – 135 minutes: $230

Follow up – 30 minutes: $85


Initial Consultation – 120 minutes: $255

Follow up – 60 minutes: $145

Daily Routine Guidance (Dinacharya) – 135 minutes: $250

Conscious Eating and Cooking – 135 minutes: $230

Follow up – 30 minutes: $85

Preparing for Your Appointment with Jordann

Please make an account and complete your intake form in our Janeapp booking system.

Payment & Insurance

Please speak to your service provider regarding their accepted methods of payment and whether they offer direct billing services.

If you have any questions or concerns about service invoicing or payment options, please contact us directly.